Roadrunner Athletics Resources and Support Page - UPDATED 2/28/2021
Message from Roadrunner Executive Director of Athletics, Brian Rowan:
This week we get back into competition! This has been a long road and we are happy to be moving into this phase. Thankful to all for their patience and following the protocols and also we should be thankful to college administration for giving us the opportunity to compete.
As we move into this new phase, we wanted to provide some new information and reminders:
-As of today, Region 19 protocols mandate that no spectators are allowed at indoor competitions. Our plan is to livestream our home indoor events and many of our opponents will do so as well. We do plan to allow spectators for outdoor events – each venue will have some restrictions and contact between athletes/spectators during the entirety of the event will be prohibited. We will livestream as many outdoor events as possible pending weather and resources. Home contests will be streamed via the Watch Live tab on our website.
-We will not have printed paper programs at home contests this year. Rosters for Region 19 competition will all be listed on Region 19 website.
-We are in the process of adding rosters for all sports to our website When time allows, please review the info listed and if you see any incorrect info send a brief email to Include the correct info and we will update promptly.
-For athletes who had a season of eligibility impacted by COVID in Spring 2020, we are working on the best way to list YEAR on our website and the Region 19 website. You will be listed by eligibility status rather than academic standing. An * will likely be used to denote COVID-Eligibility status. We will be making those updates this week where needed.
-We will begin process of taking and uploading head shots this week with teams and will work on scheduling details with head coaches.
For travel to away contests:
-Masks must be worn in the vehicle, during temperature check-ins, and when entering opponent venue. All sports will have protocols regarding additional masking requirements.
-No eating is permitted in the vehicle
-There will be no meal stops before or after trips (all Region 19 programs will provide a location to eat at their venue if teams bring meals with them)
-Must sit in same seat while traveling to and home from an event (coaches required to keep seating chart)
-Must bring your own water
-Athletic Training for away events will be limited to injuries that happen during the contest
-Locker rooms will not be open at any Region 19 venues, but restrooms or port-a-pots must be available to visiting teams
-Temperatures and symptoms will be checked before departure and temperature taken again upon arrival at the host venue
-Each head coach will be issued a sanitization kit that they will travel with to all away contests
We are following NJCAA Region 19 Sport Protocols. Each sport protocol will be posted to Region 19 website prior to start of competition. You will find them at - click your sport and look for “COVID PROTOCOLS.” At this time, basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball, and soccer are posted.
Some campus athletic notes:
-At our most recent meeting, our Student-Athlete Advisory Committee voted to change the name of the group to Student-Athlete Council. This will align our campus student-athlete leadership group with the recent NJCAA initiative. Learn more here:
-On February 24, we hosted a webinar with Dr. Joel Fish. This was a great opportunity to listen and interact with a top sports psychologist and he provided great insight. If you were unable to attend, we recommend taking some time to watch the video here:
-We are providing short updates throughout the year via “Remind”. If you are not signed up for this yet, please use the links below to register:
-Fall Sports:
-Winter Sports:
-Spring Sports:
-If you are having any academic difficulties, please reach out as soon as possible. Now is the time to take corrective action or get tutoring and we can assist.
Additional resources are listed below...
RCSJ Gloucester Resources
National Junior College Athletic Association Links